DCU Drama Intervarsities 2022 - One Rewarding Kermitment!
DCU Drama . DCU Drama .

DCU Drama Intervarsities 2022 - One Rewarding Kermitment!

If you were to tell me a year ago, that in my first year of college I would play one of my most rewarding roles ever in my life in theatre - a chicken - I would have never believed you. In the second semester of my first year of college, I took part in the DCU Drama Inters production of the muppets called “It’s Time to Get Things Started: A Muppet Musical” written and directed by the wonderful, talented Nathan MacDonogh. This show would be DCU’s submission for the Intervarsities competition which was taking place in Tipperary. I was excited for a little road trip down the country with my future show buddies and so, I auditioned. Fortunately, I got the role of Camilla the chicken! Was not expecting it, but a good actor has to be very versatile when it comes to roles. (Plus you didn’t have to learn too many lines except “Bock!”)

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The Only Kristian (in Heaven): Conor’s Blog
DCU Drama . DCU Drama .

The Only Kristian (in Heaven): Conor’s Blog

During the last year and a half, mental health became a really important topic as so many of us struggled at some point or another during the lockdowns, so I really like that instead of doing a pure comedy like past pantos, we’re addressing mental health issues and the importance of looking after yourself.

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Asking For It: portraying a painful reality
DCU Drama . DCU Drama .

Asking For It: portraying a painful reality

Playing Emma scares me because it forces me to look at the reality that Emma’s story is a real story, it's somebody's story, this has happened to more people than is truly imaginable. But like I said earlier, reality is never an easy thing to face.

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