With six upcoming shows, we are bursting with opportunities.

About Us

“Welcome to DCU Drama 2022/2023!
DCU Drama is all about expressing your creativity in your own preferred way. We strive to create a safe space for all students to challenge themselves, learn brand new skills, fine-tune old ones and grow within themselves.

If acting or dancing isn’t your thing, don't worry - there are plenty of other ways to get involved without showing your face on stage! There are so many working parts to Drama that go on behind the scenes, all done by students, many of whom had no experience in theatre before getting involved with us! 

From directing or choreographing a show to writing your very own one; from operating lights to setting up the theatre for showtime. Maybe helping to plan and run weekly events sounds like your gig instead. Perhaps you’d be interested in learning about videography or costume design - the possibilities are endless. 

At DCU Drama we believe that every individual student has something special to offer the wonderful world of theatre, and in our society, you’ll have the chance to show and develop all your talents and skills while having fun and making priceless memories. After all, we have won Best Society in DCU for the past two years ;))

We can’t wait to embrace the wonderful with you all this year <3”

-Eimear Fitzmaurice (Chairperson)


What is DCU Drama?

Well… what isn’t DCU Drama?!

“For me, Drama was a community I could always fall back on if I needed support or just a friendly face. I’ve made some of my closest friends in this silly little society and am extremely grateful. It gave me a space to excel and express myself, while also providing new experiences and opportunities. In such an unsure time it provided some much needed consistency of happiness.”

— Eve McSweeney (Drama Alum)


When can I join?

You can sign up to be a DCU Drama member on www.dcuclubsandsocs.ie now! Membership for this semester costs €2.

What is an EGM?

An EGM is an Extraordinary General Meeting, which is held every year by DCU Drama to announce our events and shows for the year, as well as elect our First Year Representative. This year, we will also be electing the role Technical Manager. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media for more information on the role, and come along to our EGM (date TBD)

What will this year be like with COVID-19 restrictions? 

Unfortunately we cannot predict how this year will be, whether we are returning to in-person events and shows, or whether it will be another remote year. However, we can guarantee that we are very prepared for either situation, and these circumstances will not prevent us from having an incredible year. 2020/21 showed us that we can overcome the challenges that came with a virtual year, 2021/22 showed us that with a bit of hard work and believing, we can achieve anything we put our minds to, so we have no doubt that 2022/23 will be as stress free as we can make it!

Are there any writing opportunities?

Yes! Alongside our annual script submissions, where we ask members to submit their original work for our pantomime, member production and Musical Theatre Intervarsities piece, we are also hosting Freshers Fringe this year. We will soon be opening submissions for our DCU Drama blog, where members can submit their writing to be published on our website.

What is a First Year Rep?

Our First Year Representative gets elected at our annual EGM, and becomes a member of the DCU Drama committee. The role of a First Year Rep is to encourage their fellow first years to get involved within the society, in our events and shows, and ensure that first years are being valued within the society and mixing in with older members

What is a Technical Manager?

Our Technical Manager is a role that usually gets elected at our annual AGM at the end of the year. However, this year, the role will be up for grabs at our EGM. The role of the Technical Manager is to oversee the technical aspects of what happens onstage at our shows. They are involved in organising elements such as lighting and audio, and work closely with both the Tech Subcommittee and production teams.

Do you have to be a performer to join? Can I just work behind the scenes?

Yes! There is a space for all talents in DCU Drama, and we offer opportunities throughout the year for every member to showcase their skills. Examples of this include our annual script submissions for students who are interested in writing, our production team applications for students who want to be involved in putting together a production, our subcommittees such as Tech, Front of House, Backstage, Media and our workshops and events that allow our members to experience drama behind the scenes too. We recognise that the magic that happens behind the scenes is equally as important as what happens on stage, and we ensure that everyone can showcase their interests, regardless of experience too.

How many shows do you put on each year?

For the 2021/22 academic year, due to a shorter semester one, we put on six shows. Semester one saw our first contemporary play of the year and our pantomime. Semester two saw our second contemporary play, our member production, our Musical Theatre Intervarsities piece, and our musical. Throughout the year, we also offered other opportunities to perform and participate, such as our Open Mic Night events and Freshers Fringe.

What events do you run?

We run weekly Drama Wednesday events, that have previously ranged from Open Mic Nights, to quizzes, to events with other societies such as Media Production Society or Sober Society, and workshops in all areas of theatre from dance, to writing, to tech. We also have our annual Drama Week where we run a week full of exciting events and workshops within the society.

How can I get involved in a production?

Every semester, we open applications for production teams for that semester’s productions. We then hold auditions for those who want to be cast in a production. Semester one auditions will take place after our EGM, and semester two auditions will take place after Christmas.

Where do you put on your events and shows?

Events are usually put on in lecture halls, or in the U building on Glasnevin Campus. In 2021/2022, 4 of our shows were held in St. Pat’s Auditorium, and 2 of our shows were held in The Venue. We try our best to make shows, rehearsals, and events as accessible as possible to all students, whether you’re exclusively on one campus or another.